
The link above will take you to the most amazing rock. I found this
beautiful quarts in St. Johns, while rock hunting. I noticed that
people have sold some weird things on ebay, like the corn flake shaped
like a state.. so I thought I would sell this rock to raise money for
Morning Starr. Take a look.. if you are interested in it make a bid. I
just thought you might want to be involved to see what happens as I am
really waiting to see who would be interested in this nice rock. This
could just be fun! All proceeds go to Morning Starr Animal Sanctuary,
an all volunteer organization.

Fran C. Freedman, President & Co-Founder
Morning Starr Animal Sanctuary, An All Volunteer Organization
"A New Beginning..."

You may contact us at: 928-821-2420 or email: [log in to unmask]
or mail: P.O. Box 1363, Cornville, AZ 86325

[Posted in FML 5939]