>From: Barbara Clay <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Just an observation - To Anon

I REALLY liked what you had to say about this post, Barb! And everyone
else who said something positive about the DMK fuzzies. I, for one, was
SO very upset to hear how long this had been going on!! I had no idea
and only found out about a month or so before the rescue! I cried for
2 days when I saw that video and emailed everyone I could think of to
try to get them out of there! I have 2 DMK boys and they are just the
biggest loves! What difference does it make if they were bought form
McKay or not? The point is he NO LONGER HAS THEM TO TORTURE
ANYMORE!!!!! Isn't that the whole point? And does anyone think the
amount he got for the buy out was that much of a profit for him? I
highly doubt it. Let's just all be glad this man does not have them
anymore and I HOPE AND PRAY that his daughters didn't take his best
breeders' to start the whole bad scenario up all over again somewhere
down the road!

Once again, I APPLAUD EVERYONE who participated and helped to just get
them OUT of there! I feel it was a small price to pay to save so many
little lives that never knew a warm touch or even a warm place to lay
their little heads...

Dawn and the gang

[Posted in FML 5938]