Helen`s friend Dotti sent two emails she wishes us to post. First one
came yesterday.



I am writing as Helen asked, to update you on her condition. I spoke
with her yesterday, and her stem cell implant has been completed, and
so far, so good. She had a small bit of problems being cold, kind of
sick to her stomach, which was probably due to the chemo she had, (4
doses), and the cells were re-frozen. She said she has an infection,
but is being treated for that. She sounded strong and good.

She is in her room now and here is her address, room number and phone
number. Should anything else come up, I will let you all know. She gave
me this list before she went to the hospital and I know it's important
to her.

Helen Wojociechowski
Western Pennsylvania Hospital
4800 Friendship Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15224

Area Code  412-578-1078
Room # T 713

Thank you

Would you like me to post this email on the FML

Yes... please do, and thank you so much.... :-) Helen is like my sister
and I do worry about her so.... she's come such a long way... prayers
are needed for the rest of it...:-)


Second email, sent today:


I just spoke with Helens husband a short while ago, and she has a
problem as of right now. I spoke with her yesterday, and while she
wasn't on top of the world, she sounded pretty good considering what
she has been through.

She has some swelling... seems her head is swollen quite a bit and it
isn't going away, and the doctor as of today, doesn't quite know what's
causing it.

She has been through so much and come so far, please keep her in
prayer, that God will restore her and help her through this time. I
will let you all know anything else when I know it.

Thank You



This shelter mom needs lots of positive energy & prayers sent her way.
I know Dotti wanted us to post the phone #--but Helen probably needs
as much rest as possible, right now.

It would be very nice if you sent a "Thinking of you" card or
supportive note her way. SOON.

She has been good to the ferrets.


[Posted in FML 5936]