Hi All, The Oregon Ferret Shelter is holding it's monthly meeting on
April, 12, 2008 at the Shelter 17560 S Holly Lane, Oregon City 97045
from 6:00 PM til 9:00 PM.

This meeting is a potluck so please bring a main dish to share and a
salad or dessert. Utensils, plates and pop,tea,coffee will be provided.
We will be holding a Spring Hat contest. So be creative and make your
ferret a cute spring hat for them to adorn during the contest. First,
second and third place winners will be selected by the audience. Please
do not bring immune compromised or sick ferrets to the meeting. If you
still wish to participate in the contest we can loan you a stuffed
ferret! Need other questions answered? Please call 503-557-8369.

[Posted in FML 5936]