I wanted to share this story with all of you as it is about Patches,
an Ohio rescue. Patches is the "sister" of Rhea. She is sister to 6
others but they are in forever homes now. Patches is about 10 months
old, roughly. She is perfect. Tiny and thick, ever so incredibly furry
and fluffy, soft and just as sweet as the morning dew.

Of course she loves to play a game with me, I am certain you all know
it, its called defeat mommy. She has finally shown me just who she
is. It's just so incredible when that happens. Just today I heard a
horrifying scream, one I have never heard before, and I run to the
kitchen to find her looking at Kiki, my older male -- my first ferret,
just screaming. The reason? Patches had somehow gotten a hold of a
coveted piece of dog food and Kiki wanted some. I walked in on the
scene and just laughed till my stomach hurt. They both looked up at
me, Patches still screaming, stunned because they were busted! All
my ferrets know dog food is a huge no no. So naturally its what they
strive to get.

But that's not why I'm writing. I wanted to share a little something
that made me just smile today. I fight with my ice trays. When I do
it's almost a guarantee most will end up on the floor. I get most of
them but not today. One fell on the floor and later I noticed Patches
coveting something again. I walked over looking for dog food, wondering
how on earth they could have gotten it, and saw she was protecting an
ice cube. So I put more ice in the water fountain I have for them and
walked away. When Patches came to find me later she was soaking wet
and the kitchen floor was covered in water. She went back to continue
to play, eat and lick her ice.

I wanted to share this with all of you because when Patches came to
find me ice was still everywhere. She was not done playing. It felt
like she came to say to me "thanks momma for giving me a new toy and
letting me play. Thanks for loving me this much."

Until that moment Patches was still up for adoption. But now however
she is my little baby and I will never be able to let her go. Her new
nick name is going to be baby.

Rhea, by the way, is doing much better. No more biting but she is still
a bit skittish. She has yet to show me who she is. I know it's only a
matter of time.

Thanks for letting me share.

Misty Hosier
Broward Ferret Rescue and Referral
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