Hello everyone on the FML, I'm usually just a reader and not a poster
but I'm giving it a try :). My names Michelle and Im from New Jersey.
Im owned by four ferts, Hurley, Maverick, Mick and Bandit and I love
them to peices.

My reason for posting is I would like to start work on a
powerpoint/video (not sure which one yet) presentation regaurding
ferrets. I of course have photos and can take more of my ferts, but
they're only four out of how many in the fert community? if anyone
would like to contribute photos Id really appriciate it.

Please email me off group subject "Presentaion" (please i get so
much mail it will help me sort) with any pictures you would like to
contribute or any questions you may have. I hope to eventually post
this to the internet, so if anyone doesnt allready put a "copyright" or
"stamp" on their pictures and would like me to add one, just let me
know what you want it to say and I will gladly add it for you. I also
need to know how anyone who contributes would like to be refrenced in
the credits (rescue/shelter/breeder links and locations welcome in

Im not sure how long it will take me, maybe a while doing it in my
spare time, but I will share with everyone when i get it done :)

Thanks so much in advance


[Posted in FML 5902]