We know they are cute. We know they are funny. And, we all know that
OUR FERRET is the cutest, sweetest, most adorable critter that ever
lived. Right? Well, now is your chance to prove it! The IFC, in
conjunction with the Pittsburgh Symposium, is pleased to announce the
first ever, "Funniest Ferret Videos of the FML" Home Video Contest!

To enter, catch your little darlin' doin' what (s)he does best.
Stealin' your heart and the spotlight! Send your video either by email,
or on a CD/DVD by snail mail to Danee DeVore at 1134 Neal Drive,
Alexandria, VA 22308-1935 between April 1 and June 30. A $5.00 entry
fee will be charged for each video entered and each person is limited
to four (4) entries. All proceeds will benefit ADV research.
Submissions can be emailed as an attachment or mailed on a DVD. All
submissions become the property of the IFC with associated rights and

An elite panel of judges will independently score all videos,
considering things such as quality of the video and amusement factor.
Points will be awarded in each category and also given for the top
three videos. After all judges have scored the videos, an independent
scorer will tally the points and rank the videos by totals.

Winners will be announced at the Pittsburgh Symposium on Friday, when
we unveil the FML's Funniest Ferret Videos. A compilation of the videos
will be available for viewing and purchase at the symposium.

Renee Downs
It's amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who gets the
"The most effective way to do it, is to do it." Amelia Earhart
Ferret Emergency Response, Rescue & Evacuation Team (F.E.R.R.E.T.)
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International Ferret Congress
American Red Cross

[Posted in FML 5902]