I have been a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ since 1990, was
ordained in 1993 and received my Doctorate in 1994. Usually I try to
give my condolences to those whose fuzzies have gone to the Rainbow
Bridge by emailing them directly, thereby allowing other information
and news relevant to the FML to be printed.

Today, however, I see that a number of fur-kids have gone to the
Rainbow Bridge that we on the FML were not aware of until today. And
further, a Sister Ferret Lover in Washington State, has also left this
world of the physical presence as we know it, and journied to the
Forever World of Eternity.

I know how hard it is to lose our Fur-kids, and our beloved
Hooman-beans to the Spiritual World. I would like to take this
opportunity to express my deepest condolences to all whose fuzzies have
gone to the Rainbow Bridge (Joelene Dowdle and Michele Paulhus) and for
those whose beloved hooman-beans has also gone to the Spiritual World
(Joelene's son/Denise Cummings' friend [Carol Simeon]. And I would also
like to bring to mind that prayers are still being said for STEVE, the
young man in the boating/seadoo accident, and is in critical condition,
as I last heard.

Peace be with all of you in your time of grief and dispair. Brothers
and Sisters, it is perfectly proper to cry during your time of grief,
and also in times of great stress.

God, the Great Creator, loves all of Creation. I state this based on
the New Testament of the Gospel of St. John, Chapter 3, verse 16. Most
translations of the Bible use the word WORLD, but I use the word
CREATION, as the Greek word that was translated into WORLD is KOSMOS,
which is pronounced COZ Moze and in English is spelled Cosmos. I feel
that this encompasses all of creation, including animals.

In the First Book of the Torah (Bereschit - which means THE BEGINNING)
and in the Christian Bible is known as Genesis: It is stated that God
created all things, and breathed into them the BREATH OF LIFE, which
also translates into the Breath of the Spirit. The story goes on how
mankind sinned by eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and
Evil, because mankind wanted to be LIKE GOD, and the fruit looked good
to eat. Please note, ONLY MANKIND SINNED, not the animals.
In the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, (Isaiah 65:25) it is written THE
THE OX......
And later in the New Testament Gospel of St. Matthew in the Sermon on
the Mount (Matthew chapter 5 - 7) Jesus tells about what heaven will be
like and how much God Loves His Creation. The Lion Shall Lay down with
the Lamb, and the Child shall put his hand into the Adder's den and not
be harmed. Jesus also said that YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER KNOWS WHEN EVEN
THE LOWLY SPARROW FALLS FROM THE SKY. The question arises, Why Would
God Take Notice of a Sparrow Falling From the Sky, if the Sparrow meant
nothing to the Creator?

I see and know a Loving God, who was willing, in the form of Jesus,
whom I consider the Messiah, was willing to die for all mankind that is
sinful, then how could that Loving God let the spirits of the animals
die and be no more? That does not even make sense and is contradictory
to the essence of a Loving God.

I would also like to point out that your brothers and sisters of the
Judiac and the Islamic, the Buddhist and Hindu and Shinto faith believe
that all living things have the spirit of God within them. As well as
the religious beliefs of Native Americans. For we (I am also Native
American - Mohawk of the Wolf Clan with some English and French mixed -
just cannot keep the white-eyes out of the genetic pool and still keep
their bathing suits on) believe that the Great Spirit became a part of
everything the Great Spirit created.

Finally, I would like to say, that in Science (Physics) there is a Law
which states: Energy cannot be created nor destroyed by ordinary means,
it can only change form. For example: There is a tree with Kenetic
Energy (it is hidden but still there), it is cut down and made into
firewood. The Kenetic Energy is changed into Light, Heat, and smoke
and ashes. Just like the Spirit of animals and the Souls of mankind
(Souls know the difference between good and evil and the Spirit of Life
is in all living things which came from God) all change form from the
physical form of which we are familiar, to the Spiritual Form, which we
all shall become, and return to The Great Creator, The Great Spirit,

So, in ending, I want to assure you, that you will again see your
beloved fur-kids, your feathered Kids, your other animal Kids, and all
your loved ones again, in the Eternal Kingdom of God, the Creator, the
Savior, the Comforter, and we will never again be separated from those
we love, including the animals that we have loved and who have loved
us in return.

May the Peace of God which Surpasses all Human Understanding, be with
all of you and your loved ones forever and ever. Amen.

With Love for all
Rev. Ronald L. Sims, D.D. and family: 2 hooman-beans owned and
controlled by 2 canines, 2 felines and all of our fur-kids waiting
for us at the Rainbow Bridge.

[Posted in FML 5927]