You know - I thought I was becoming immune to Wolfy - but as fate would
have it - she has me reaching for a "Depends" box at the tender age of
43. My God woman! You really MUST cease and desist this incessant
humour! It has me driving my coworker nuts, has ruined at least 3 well
upholestered chairs - and made my dog, 3 cats and 4 fuzzbutts run for
their lives......they think I've lost it when I go from being the calm,
serene Kimmie - to the "burst out laughing so hard I fall outta the
chair" Kimmie. And this morning, even MoJoMan, my "I never sleep and
have to be by Mom boy" wouldn't come within 10 feet of me, without
first stopping - sniffing - checking for leakage under my chair, and
such. And even when he was convinced there was none - the COMPUTER
that made MOMMIE GO NUTS was still on. He decided it would be a better
idea to wait until such time as I turned it off.........

On a side bar - Rickie is still hangin in there, but I'm not so sure
for how much longer. He scared the bejeezus outta me yesterday. He
was kinda "disoriented" when it came time for his meds. Usually, right
after stuffing the pred down - we follow that up with some Hills
Science Diet soft food - and he is a happy camper. Usually - Mommy
(that'd be me) - holds the Rickster - while the feeding frenzy
commences. He LOVES his soft food - and usually can't get enough.
However, yesterday - he was like "grabbing a mouthful" and trying
to get down to run and hide and eat it. That wasn't a problem. The
problem was - he "missed" the food - but still thought he had it - and
struggled to get down and go eat his mouthful of "air". He did this a
couple times, until I dipped my fingers into the bowl and "dolloped"
it on his tongue. He didn't eat much - and like an hour later I found
him "speed bumped" under the dining room table. Sound asleep. He scared
the crap outta me, because he NEVER does that. I grabbed him up - and
got the ferrevite out - and after that - he seemed to "normalize"
out. Now being a ferret mommy for close to 8 yrs, one would THINK
I'd know that the signs/symptoms that he was exhibiting pointed to
possible insuloma issues - but when I panic, I make sure that I forget
everything I know - and rant like a lunatic. Funny thing is though -
with anyone ELSE'S animals (or skin bearing small adults they choose
to call "children" - if there is an emergency - I am as cool as a
cucumber in the fridge. Hell, even when my kids would come in with
cuts deeper than the wrinkles on Hillary's face - I'd be the "perfect
in commando" Mommy. With my furbearing mammals? It all goes out the
door......I can't quite figure that one out........

Anyone have any advice they can throw my way? He is 7.5 - adrenal -
insulomic - but he's been putting on weight - eating and drinking well.
He's not had seizures, and this is really the first time I've seen
him "bottom out" like that. Any and all advice will be welcomed and
appreciated. I know that the time is coming - where he won't be with
me, and I know that God is being kind on me this time (for those of you
who remember the Helena episode, you know what I am talking about) -
and giving me the time to work with, laugh with, love with, and play
with Ricky. I'm pretty sure he knows what is goin on. He's already
pretty much "separated" himself from the other kids - and the fearsome
four has become the "three and a halfs". Maybe they know better than
we, how to slowly say goodbye. It seems that way to me anyways. Oh
well. And Wolfy - if your gonna offer some advice up - please pre-warn
me in a precurser email. That way I can get my diapers on, lock the
animals out of my room and make sure I am no where in the vicinity of
another "mammal" who can look at me as if I've lost my mind.......

Kim and Her Army of Idiots

Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, and not greedy for what I

[Posted in FML 5925]