Hi to all our friends on FML

Bob Church arrived in New Zealand and is working hard collecting ferret
DNA, info, and measurements. We have been lucky enough to spend an
afternoon and evening with him taking samples, measurements swapping
stories lies (lol) and funny stories. We are so grateful to be able to
have someone here willing to share info and insights on ferrets. It was
a laugh a minute as we scruffed necks plucked hairs, and tried to write
as fast as Bob talked, with his funny accent it was hard to get what he
was saying :). I know he is busy running about gathering every peice of
ferret data he can, and he is even staying on the left side of the road
(most of the time anyway. We heard he was driving down the road abusing
the cars going the wrong way and wondered why everyone was coming at
him, and was getting yelled at bl%&^dy american go home (when he
thought we were friendly people here). we are constantly amused when
he pronounces local Maori place names even the locals dont know he is
talking about their town or place. But hey he is good for a laugh and
has only been bitten 20 or 30 times with the first 15-20 animals. We
are trying to help but being American is tough it seems when asking
directions and all the people he speaks to are South African, Scottish,
English and Kiwis (flightless birds who are nuts about ferrets) we
love having him here and look forward to his feedback at a later date.
Sad to hear of losses to babes and loved furries and the hardtimes
with Shelters etc. Its much harder here as vets are told not to treat
fuzzits. So give your local shelters support. Time enrgy money or even
encouraging emails, we here are sub underground ferret culture herre
and wish we could go to shelter for animals etc.

Dogs and Cats may steal your hearts, but ferrets dwell deep in the soul


[Posted in FML 5923]