To all who know I have ferrets as my babies, I had to help my oldest -
Sammy - to the Bridge this morning. He had been fighting adrenal
disease for the past several months, was on Lupron and had a Melatonin
implant done, but for about the past 3-4 days, he had gotten so weak
that his little legs wouldn't even let him make it to the litter box to
potty, so he was able to make it out of the hammy where he was sleeping
and go potty, but also ended up with it all over himself and wherever
he went. He was still drinking water, but as of Saturday, had stopped
eating, and was only active enough to drink water and go potty. The
rest of his time was spent sleeping, and in his sleep I could hear
faint whining which told me he was hurting too.

We made the tough decision last night to let him go, I had been hoping
that he would spare me the decision making and just pass while he was
sleeping, but it was not to be. At the vet, she did say he was very
dehydrated, his heartbeat had become slightly irregular, and his blood
pressure was low, he was definitely going downhill and she assured us
that in the condition he was in this morning, helping him pass was the
right thing to do.

We took the other 3 with us to say goodbye to him, I think they'll all
be okay. Me, now that's another story. He was the last of my original 3
babies, and if the FML Bridge Greeter could please let me know he has
arrived safe and sound, he will have Max, Rocky, and Lady waiting there
to make him feel welcome and show him around.

Please everyone, hug and love on your babies, they are not here for
anywhere near long enough.

Hugs to all and all their babies,

Brenda S.

[Posted in FML 5922]