I had a question about irritable bowel disease. Inge mentioned she
controlled it with a homemade diet, no chicken & no kibble. One of my
kids, Bowser has really bad stinky poops this week (not ECE) and lack
of appetite, the vet did a stool sample and said it was bacteria. I was
given amoxi drops & metronidazle. I wondered if I could help with the
bad poops by giving a different diet too. I've been trying soft canned
ferret food and he has no interest. the only thing he will eat now is
meat baby food and still a little kibble, and I try giving ferretvite
all the time. Any EASY recipes for duck soup anyone? Should I avoid
chicken based foods for some reason?

Trish ~ Bowser, Hannah & Indica
missing *Zira, Isis, Pippin & Merry* ferret angels

[Posted in FML 5917]