Everyone has been asking when is FERRETSTOCK 2008????

It's Saturday June 7th

For all the great details:

If you're new to Rocky's FERRETSTOCK, I'll tell you a bit about it.
It's not a show, it's not a meet-n-greet for your personal ferrets.
This is a one of a kind party in the entire country, ......it's an
opportunity for those that love ferrets to get together and enjoy
the diversity of meeting each other and making new friends and
acquaintances. This is a fundraiser for our shelter.

All day long Rocky's shelter will be open and everyone is invited to
meet our kids. We will have out outdoor containment center, where
interaction with the ferrets occurs. Anyone attending, we suggest
that you fill out Rocky's online application now, so that it can be
processed before the event.

Rocking DJ Bob Adams will be providing the music and emceeing the
event. He's affectionately known as DJ Ferretone! All day and evening,
our guests are invited to crash Bob's stage, take the mic and perform
Karaoke. Trust me, this gets more fun as the evening progresses!

Chef Charles and Nick will be in charge of the grill and providing hot
entres for our guests at a minimal cost.

The raffles are outstanding, with 6 tables full of donated items.

It's a family event until the sun goes down. At that time we light the
traditional huge bonfire, I close the shelter and I join the guests and
part deux of the party commences!! This party usually goes until the
sun comes up!

Guests are invited to come camp out here on the 130 acres where I live
and operate Rocky's.

I invite any questions or RSVPs offline to [log in to unmask]

As the time nears for the event, I'll be posting more information. This
is the party of the year, and already we have folks coming from as far
away as Californinia.

We're looking forward to FERRETSTOCK 2008 being the biggest and best in
all the years we've been inviting the world to come party at Rocky's!

Barb Clay
Dir of Shelter Affairs for Rocky's
Parkton, Maryland 21120

PS The angel sending Bob C notices; please tell him that our Conga line
won't be the same without him!! If there's a chance he can make it, he
knows he's always welcomed here on the farm!

[Posted in FML 5912]