>Date:    Fri, 7 Mar 2008 17:11:26 -0800 
>From:    Sandaili <[log in to unmask]> 
>Subject: Two ferrets in Michigan need homes 
>I am going to have a pair of ferrets at a foster in Michigan soon. They 
>are five years old each, a male and a female. I am willing to pay $500 
>toward the female's adrenal surgery, she is adrenal. The male is not 
>adrenal (as far as the owners know). 
>I would rather not have them go to one of the two shelters in Michigan 
>unless they have to, as all shelters are full up (but they are both 
>awesome shelters). I have never had any luck adopting out a ferret that 
>is adrenal....

[Moderator's note: This response was delayed due to an e-mail server
issue. Posted anonymously since it came from a non-usual e-mail 
address, but it is signed. BIG]


I am very confused after seeing several messages from you regarding two
ferrets in Lansing, MI that you say need a home (including the below
included message from the FML). You are in California, yet you talk
about these two ferrets as if you are going to be taking care of them -
including paying for needed adrenal surgery for the girl...?!? You
can't possibly have met these ferrets and therefore must be going from
the owner information, which in my sheltering experience is as likely
as not to be inaccurate. You're offering the ferrets to anyone who
wants them, people in Michigan you can't possibly meet, then have
decided the girl is a good candidate for adrenal surgery without seeing
her, which you will pay for? Why exactly? And the mention that you've
ever been able to adopt out adrenal ferrets, that they live with you
permanently...have you made some sort of arrangements to move these two
ferrets from Michigan to California to your care???

I haven't spoken to any of the other Michigan Shelters lately, but
our Shelter is in no way "full" right now. In fact, this time of year
usually has us at our lowest numbers...a cycle which is once again
happening this year. I'm not sure why you continue to put the word out
about similar situations, and the messages looking for homes for the
ferrets always includes mention of the other Michigan Shelters being
"full," - yet I've never heard from you about any of these ferrets
before any of these postings.

You're in California, so I really have no idea why you're still
involved with ferrets in Michigan. If your contact information from
when you lived in Michigan is still active, you could field calls and
e-mails and simply refer folks who are looking to surrender, adopt,
etc. to active Shelters. You were in the Lansing area, which is right
between two active Shelters: West Michigan Ferret Connection and Motor
City Ferrets - so referring folks should be simple. You're certainly
welcome to refer the owner of these two ferrets in Lansing to contact
me; we could accept the surrender today and attend the needs of the
ferrets immediately (I've noticed these messages are several days old
now - I really don't like to keep folks who want to surrender waiting,
as I've learned people are not very responsible and might well not
have the patience to wait even a day to turn ferrets in). And we don't
have any trouble adopting out ferrets with issues; we have a well
established foster pr! ogram ! for critters with issues and we don't
consider any but the truly infirm "unadoptable."

I appreciate that you want to see critters directly into new homes,
rather than burdening the Shelters...but in these cases, again I must
say I'm confused about your involvement. Referring folks for surrender
is not a burden for our Shelter; after all, we're open for business
and Job #1 is taking in ferrets who need us.

Motor City Ferrets 

[Posted in FML 5911]