Well, its a slow move but these little darlings are learning in spite
of themselves and each got a picture take. There is one little slasher
girl left we don't trust handling without gloves............and I bet
you can tell who she is in the album as she is the only one with her
picture taken in a cage.

We have several little girls too that are going to pop any time. Talk
about being in a loving mood too, they are. We have foster homes to
take care of mom and the babies.

A group of girl scouts in Houston are making hammocks, one for each
ferret to take home with them to their future home. We invited them to
come visit the facilities with signed permission/release forms by the
parents (can look but not touch the Rainbows, can cuddle the shelter
ferrets). I think enough treats were donated each ferret can take a can
of TF treats with them too, if not TF, then another brand. It's been
only a couple of days but they all need a bath again, especially the
males, I think they are lifting weights to break out in sweat as they
have that musky smell, they sure don't have to worry about the girls
not being able to find them from miles around.

Got a wonderful offer too from Ann Haager, her group, Crafty Weasels
of Ga, make hammocks and other beddings. New ones are fine but what we
need is not too cute items - I mean such beautiful stuff is too pretty
to put in their cage to use the way they are using it now. It will make
lovely going to their home gifts.

Well, here it is, the album as promised. Pictures to begin with is the
unloading from the van, THEN, we have a couple of pictures showing what
TEXAS weather did to us when people said they would come from far away
to help, last all the little kids pictures and a couple of the workers.
Now don't go thinking we took a picture of just one ferret and put
different names on it (each one has a name starting with an R to be
known as the Rainbow Ferrets and some of them are a real stretch) but
each is different in color and personality. I did mention they were
gorgeous didn't I.
if you cannot not pull it up, write me privately and I will send it to
you in an easier form.

By the way, being member of a huge dog and cat organization involved in
pulling animals from the local city shelters, I have tried to tell them
how well organized and how strong the ferret community is - they can't
believe we are this united and big. Don't think I haven't been bragging
on this group to them and what can be done when we have an emergency.
They are impressed.

Millie and her Cleaning Crew

[Posted in FML 5907]