Richard Stephens/Ferrets Sandy, Sam, Sidney and Mareta

In case no one knows Richard Stephens and his situation by now, he
really, really needs help for his ferrets that he dearly loves and
wants to keep alive and well.

Richard is disable and waiting to go to court for his disability which
is why he doesn't have any money coming in. And knowing the court
system they are very, very slow regarding matters like this. (A friend
of mine had to wait 5 years.)

Richard's little girl Sandy (ferret) has Insulinoma and has to be
treated/tested again. The vet is asking for $90.00 for a full test.

Also, his 4 ferrets (Sandy, Sam, Sidney and Mareta) told me they're
kind of hungry and really, really need ferret food, treats, Ferretone,
Laxatone, FerretVite, Derm Caps for small animals, and liquid Vitamins
and if the kind people of the FML could help us.

On behalf of Sandy, Sam, Sidney and Mareta could the kind people of
the FML open their hearts and help them so they can be around and make
their Daddy Richard happy at this terrible time he is going through.

Sometimes their daddy (Richard) doesn't have food for himself so that
his ferrets (Sandy, Sam, Sidney and Mareta) can have food.

Thanking you for listening to us, with all our love from the bottom of
our little hungry hearts.

Sandy, Sam, Sidney, Mareta and Daddy Richard.

Contact Information:
(Sandy, Sam, Sidney, Mareta unable to reach telephone, but Daddy
Richard will answer)

Richard Stephens
135 Tory Lynn Drive
Winlock, Washington  98596-9111

Telephone Number: (360) 864-6756

P.S. Maybe someone could hold a raffle for us. 

[Posted in FML 5907]