Does anyone know about a private ferret rescue in Pratt KS? I heard
from the lady about her ferrets and she said someone from a ferret
rescue in Pratt picked them up yesterday. I want to make sure this is
a good situation for these little ones and not a collector posing as a
ferret rescue. We need to verify this for two reasons, primarly for the
ferrets health and safety, and also for those who are valid rescues.
Hoarders give rescues a very bad name. Ever since the Morrison hoarder
situation I have been concerned whenever I hear of someone saying they
are a private rescue.

If you are this private rescue, or know of this one, please email me
at [log in to unmask] We can certainly use more responsible caring ferret
rescues in Kansas. All information is kept confidential for safety of
the ferrets.


[Posted in FML 5904]