Fitch went in my purse and took a zip lock baggie with my days supply
of vitamins and immediately run under and into the couch and stashed
the vitamins there. Fearing for his life should he ingest a vitamin and
be poisioned I upended the couch. Now I know he stashes his stuff there
but I had no idea what was to be found. This photo says it all. In case
the link doesent work here is the list of Fitches treasures.

A tube of Ferretone
a small ramekin (dish)
a bag that previously held dried apricots
15 socks
a lid
another lid
a hat
a bra
2 chapsticks
11 some odd pens
a hanger
a cheese knife
a stuffed animal I made
a cat toy 
a chew thing
my vitamins
an apple core and bits of food
and the best part... a rib bone!


(By the way, if the photostream link doesn't work, try copying and
pasting it from this email into your browser's address bar.)

[Posted in FML 5882]