Replying to assorted people:

>Do they go reporting about the freezers full of dead animals each week
>at the vet's office before they can go to cremation?

There is an expectation of dead animals at the vet because animals go
there when they are sick, naturally. There is not an expectation of
92 dead animals in a private shelter and over 100 living ones mostly
"suffering from dehydration and malnutrition".

It may be the case that the so called "malnourished" ferrets were all
hospice animals unfairly painted as being neglected, but regardless,
that's the conclusion the authorities came to and I guess it's too
late to see otherwise now.

(People thought that keeping dozens of dead ferrets in freezers was
pretty creepy when they saw it in Ferrets: The Pursuit of Excellence,
too. That's the one thing that my friends kept commenting to me about
the day after it was broadcast. Maybe there's a valid reason for it,
but it's still macabre. It's that angle that makes this story so widely
reported, I suppose.)

>It is well known that the DMK operation was not a rescue, rather it
>was a negotiated buy out.

>Authorities were never involved.

Authorities weren't involved with the buyout itself, but authorities
had visited it many times in the past and found it in compliance with
what few regulations govern such operations. What happened with the
buyout no one knows everything about, but regardless, it seemed to be
handled without any question of animal-control getting involved. The
authorities, meanwhile, found enough evidence of neglect at Carole's
place to charge her with animal cruelty.

>When I read that the 61 ferrets were euthanized due to neglect and
>dehydration, I know that is the local animal control trying to cover
>their asses 'cuz they didn't have the space nor manpower to house that
>many ferrets.

This strikes me as not the most valid thing to say without any evidence
to back it up.

>Does investing over 2 grand in a new large capacity washer and dryer
>sound like neglect and abuse to you??

Home appliances don't matter much if there was neglect going on with
the animals.


[Posted in FML 5871]