Guys please pray for Helen... she's been good to both humans and
ferrets alike. She has been through Hell and it doesn't look like it
will end anytime soon. In light of the 2 recent animal seizures and all
the talk about someone being sick and needing help... Call her or email
her and ask if she needs any help with HER ferrets.

Update from Helen.

Hello Everyone,

Thought I would up date you on my trip to Western, PA Hospital in
Pittsburgh this past Tuesday for my test.

They did a breathing test, Blood work, Heart test, and I was to have
a consultation which I thought would be it but after that they did
another Bone Marrow test which I hate. I about had a fit when they said
they were going to do it. I told them I have had two of them done and
one not long ago. She asked when looked at my chart and said that was
in October we need to do another one. You have no idea how bad they
hurt. I pray I never need another one.

The nurse said she should have all the results back by Friday which is
today and then they will send them off to my insurance for approval.

I pray they approve it or I am up the creek and everything I have gone
through this past year is for nothing. If they do approve it, the
doctor will send enough medicine up here for shots to build up my white
cells. I take them for 4 Days and then on the fifth day I go back to
Pittsburgh to get the capiatur put in to remove my cells.

After that it is Chemo and then after that my cells go back in. This
should all take about a month or two. If all goes well they said I
would feel more like my self in a couple of months but it would take
about 6 months to really feel good. Please continue to keep me in your

Thank You and God Bless All Of You

Vicki Montgomery Tricks and Treats Rescue
Greater Houston/Galveston Texas 713-472-6599
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"Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things,
man will not himself find peace." ~ Dr. Albert Schweitzer

[Posted in FML 5870]