Dear FMLers.

First of all I want to thank all of you who know Carole and have come
to her aid. Folks, I have known Carole for just over 10 years. I have
been to her new shelter building and have spent time in her house as
her guest. I know all her animals, and my wife and I know the type of
person she is.

Now a case in point, while it is true that I haven't been down there
since 03, I have talked to Carole almost daily keeping in touch. Yes
she has been ill and not able to take care of cleaning the litter
boxes, and keeping the room clean BUT I know for a fact that the
animals in her care always got food and water twice a day. When I read
that the 61 ferrets were euthanized due to neglect and dehydration, I
know that is the local animal control trying to cover their asses 'cuz
they didn't have the space nor manpower to house that many ferrets.
Also has anyone asked if a vet made any determination about the 61
ferrets? NO?? Why not? I have dealt with animal control here in Reno
on several occasions. The officer on the street is usually sympathetic
to the animals at large but when you deal with the beaucratic side of
things within the office itself is where you run into lots of anti
ferret feelings. I know as I have seen it in our own local office.
That isn't to say they are villains per se, but are highly suspect in
my eyes.

Now I know that alot of you have read the newspaper reports and find
the "news" appalling. I would as well if I didn't know better. The
paper needs to "sell the story" to sell the newspapers, and so they do
not usually ask alot of questions they print what they are told are the
"facts". In this case the facts are not those what got printed.

I got one of the most stressful phone call on Tuesday morning from
Carole that I have ever received in my life. She was in tears as the
A/C group hauled her babies away. Even her house pets her cats and her
dog and her parrot were taken. Folks I am afraid for Carole right now
as this whole mess has taken a great toll on a fabulous lady. Yes her
house was cluttered due to the fact she and her husband were in the
middle of down sizing and hauling off to the dumps some of the old
clutter we all have in our homes. Her house water was shut off at the
street due to a broken valve in her laundry room due to the installing
of her new large capacity washer and dryer, a big investment so she
could more easily wash the ferrets bedding and keep up with their
needs. Does investing over 2 grand in a new large capacity washer and
dryer sound like neglect and abuse to you?? So yes she had dirty dishes
on the sink boards due to that fact. They had called a plumber to come
out to fix the broken piping but he hadn't been able to make it out
there at that time. Yes Carole should have asked for help but felt she
would get well enough to catch it all up which just didn't happen as
planed. we all go thru this stage folks. Everyone of us that has ever
sheltered or ran a rescue.

Folks as a community we should be gathering around Carole now in her
hour of need,not casting stones and trying to distance ourselves from
her. Why is it in the ferret community we tend to shoot our wounded
instead of trying to help them? Just food for thought. I have to say
that the folks who know Carole have come to her aid in this time and I
thank all of you for that. She was there when we needed help and when
we needed advice, we need to be there now for her.

Best to all

Fred Hurd
Reno Nevada

After All it is For The  Ferrets!!!

[Posted in FML 5870]