Dear FML Friends,

Marilyn here - Guess I had better clarify my Meerkat post.

I have had several private emails about my Meerkat post. One person
asked me if it was a ferret - no, it was much to big, had the wrong
type tail, the nose was to sharp, and my ferrets live in the house..

I will tell you again, that the person I spoke to, said it was a
Meerkat. I saw one dead on the road once,and I picked it up. I was
told it was a Meerkat - guess it was not.

Let me tell you what it was. It was big, as big as a 10 month old
kitten - it had a pointy face, soft dark eyes, had a tail like a rat
only fatter. It was quiet - did not make a noise. And it was hungry. My
momma cat took it under her paw and brought it to my attention. Maybe
it came in because we have 3 feet of snow, and food is not easy to come
by. Whatever it was, it was alive, it had a face, and it was hungry.

Anyone that knows anything about me knows - NOTHING is hungry on my

I go to bed at night, I hear the animals walking along the main trunk
line from my shed and kitchen to my cellar, about 75 feet under my
floor, and I listen to their weight make the trunk line pop as it bends
under their weight and then goes back. I know they are full and warm.

Some people seemed upset - maybe I should not have fed it -but mama
kitty had faith in me, I could not let her down.

Maybe it was an angel, checking me out for another assignment. If that
is the case - would rather be wrong than be found wanting. The whole
thing was very soul searching. I'll keep you posted, and if I have
offended anyone - I'm sorry, it is a true story - just one of many
things that happened to me.

Just know, that what ever it is, it is snuggled up to my furnace, which
at minus 3 is bursting at the seams to keep everyone warm, and all the
tummies are full. Everyone will sleep full, warm, and happy tonight.

Me too,


[Posted in FML 5897]