Dear Ferret Friends,

I am usually writing to you asking for a dollar to help a ferret, BUT
today, I have something to share with you.

A little OT, but worth (I think) the read.

I was having my supper the other night, - a bowl of vegetable soup I
made, when two of my three dogs, the German Shepherd and the Border
Collie, began to bark. Do not worry about me telling everyone I have a
German Shepherd - my insurance man already canceled me. He said put the
dog down or I'm gone - So my Mama taught me to say Good-By when someone
was leaving.

With the Shepherd, it was the woof,woof, that means something
non-threatening was out there. The BRROOOOF, or the "belly bark" is
the one I get the shotgun for. They went to the front door, that opens
onto my porch. It was dark, around 7 p.m in New England, and I put on
the porch light.

There, on my WELCOME mat, sat my big mama barn cat, and with her was a
good size meerkat. The meerkat just sat there with its head down, and
kitty sat there with her chest pushed out, so proud to show me her new
friend. The meerkat was just inches from my feet, and did not mind that
I was so close.

I spoke in a soft voice, reached out to it, while it just sat there,
then I backed up and closed the door and, watching through the door
window, as they turned and walked away.

Yep, you got it, when I did chores the next morning, there was one more
at the bowl for breakfast.

My mama cat is a hoot - she brought the meerkat to the door so I could
meet it, and to tell me I needed to set the amount of food for one
more. Do I worry about rabies - nope - not with all the GMO foods and
everything else out there.

Are you smiling yet - okay - with the added food, I will be helping the
economy by checking out at the super market with enough pet food to pay
the checkers salary.

Somewhere on a tablet in the woods is a sign that reads - FREE FOOD at

Are you worried about the cats and the meerkat freezing in our New
England winters???? Don't, there is a space, under my barn, that a
small animal can walk in and go under the shed, under the kitchen,
under the house, and into the cellar, all my buildings are connected,
and at night, everyone sleeps next to the furnace. One year - I
wintered over a skunk - in the cellar - next to the furnace. SIGH

Conserve your energy - it takes only 17 muscles to smile and 43 muscles
to frown.

Have a good day,
Marilyn, and the gang plus one, at Ledoux Hospice

[Posted in FML 5896]