Hello All,
I have been gone from these pages for a long time, 5 or 6 years. I am
and have been very ill and really withdrew from the world to the extent
I am very behind on everything. Been Focused on what strength I have
and caring for my ferrets. Would someone mind telling me what has
happened here for the last 5-6 years? No, just kidding. I have been
spot reading FMLs for the last week or two. I am so glad to see some
familiar people are still here. Not suprised to see that topics have
not changed all that much.

And so with a snap, I got a wake-up call. Losing in the last three
weeks 3 of my guys. My last hob, have lost 8 over the last two years or
so, mostly because they all just got old. Sudden loss of Black Sadie
whom I had hoped to breed. She was a climber and suspect an internal
bleed injury or something else "catastrophic" as my vet said. And then
I lost Rosie last Thursday - a black eyed, black nosed pure white
ferret - she was a beautiful girl. She had cancer and was very old but
had been doing pretty well. She stopped eating on Wednesday and left
the following morning.

So that leaves me with only six ferrets, all little old ladies, except
for Emma whom I hope to find a hob for. She is coating and should be in
before long. Emma was a silver stripe although the stripe is gone and
she just has a a heavily furred silver tail with white body. Emma in
half German and Half Swede - but I don't know which half is which......
She is Paws' Grandaughter (Light Wolf von Ludendorf-German). Paws threw
every single color known to ferret-hood except albinos.

Now I am looking for a few good kits or young adults. Just want to
breed some fur kids for me and for some friends. And I do love the

Which brings me to Millie ----

>The one thing to consider in ferret backyard breeders - are they
>really better than Marshal Farms? Is this what you want. How many
>are willing to shuck out $1,000 or more to buy a ferret or have them
>shipped over from Europe that have less regulations than we do for
>care of animals. Whole ferrets are VERY STINKY, it is difficult for
>them to give birth, the kits smell worse than the parents. Most people
>are not going to raise them in their home and what is left but to
>build a shed for them, house them in the garage or barn and you are
>right back with bad care again.

Dear Millie - What on earth are you thinking? We are fortunate to have
excellent breeders around. They consistently produce beautiful, healthy
animals. Some have been breeding for many, many years.

And, I think all, breed lines from other countries as well as ours, and
have been doing so for 15 years or more. We are all the "International
House of Ferrets". We don't breed in the back yard but, in my case, in
the bedroom; or in ferret rooms with spacious breeding cages custom
made. We are Ferret Breeders, period.

It is not difficult for jills to give birth. On the contrary, and
by vast majority, they have no problems with birthing. Ferrets are
excellent mothers. They love and care for their babies as much or more
so as any other mammal, ourselves included. Baby ferrets, kits, smell
wonderful. And hobs only have a musky smell when they are in season,
and I do not find that smell objectionable. In fact I love nothing
better than a big sweet natured musky hob. I call them me sweet
boys.....although I am hob-less at the moment.

My ferrets sleep and nap with or without me in my bed. Nothing in the
world is more precious than sweet bundles of fur snuggled up to you.
Eh, Troy Lynn?

But Millie - seems that you had this thread of opinon years ago when I
was here before. You're just kidding around with us, right?

Best to all,
Chaotic Ferrets

"Do not mess with the old dragon lady for thou art crunchy and would
taste good with Ketchup"

[Posted in FML 5893]