I have to say, I have been feeding my fuzzies the Pingfords Porridge
for a little while now & have noticed a big difference in their coats!
Zeus, who used to have a bit of a coarse coat, is soft now, & Zora,
has "rabbit soft" fur now. They absolutely love it! I walk into the
room with the bowl, & they can be sleeping in the rice box, & within
a couple minutes, they come scampering out, noses in the air, looking
for what mama has.

I took my youngest to the vet for his distemper shot, & found out he
has earmites....so...all four are now getting daily doses of eardrops
for the next 10 days. I also changed out all the bedding immediately.

I have heard (read) some people use Revolution for cats & would like to
know the pros & cons, in the opinion of fellow fuzzie owners. Of course
I will also be speaking to my vet about Revolution, but I would like to
hear about it from all of you who have experience with it.


[Posted in FML 5893]