Ok, I had to share this........ ..now, being home with bronchitis the
last few days, this was a challenge as well as hysterical to view.

I had the Fiercesome Foursome out for their nightly play romp. We were
all upstairs in my bedroom having a grand ole time of watch the fuzzy's
zap each other with static charges when my dog Ginger decided she
wanted to see what was going on.

Ginger pushed her way into the bedroom and caught the attention of
Shea. Well, Shea suddenly hauls butt off my bed and out the bedroom
door after the dog. Ginger is practially rolling down the stairs to
get away with Shea hot on her trail. They both come tearing down the
stairs, now with me in pursuit with Kyba and Thanos in my hands.
Lucifer is no where to be seen and at this point I am hoping she is
asleep in her hidey hole. I hit the first landing of the stairs to
catch a glimpse of Shea barreling down the next set of stairs hot on
the tail of Ginger. I am yelling at the dog to move faster (like its
doing any good). Shea thankfully hits the wood floor and skids and
doesn't have enough time to recover his footing before I hit the same
floor. The dog swings the corner of the recliner and is able to duck
under it before Shea can see where she went. I drop Thanos on the
couch, snag up Shea who is now doing his Dance of Joy and dooking up a
storm. Shea looks at me as if to say "aww shucks ma, I almost had it"
and then starts to kiss my face. I pluck Thanos off the couch, Kyba
sighs in my other hand and all 3 return to their cage for the evening.
Then I remember lil Lucifer is still loose upstairs, and suddenly I
hear the cat screeching. I go running upstairs to find Lucifer with a
firm chomp on Sasha's tail. I get her off, get rid of the grey fur
hanging from her mouth, check her for any possible injuries and then
put her with the rest of the posse downstairs. Now remember I said I
have been home with bronchitis so as I am laughing my head off I am
choking at the same time........ ......

Sandy Z and 
The Fiercesome  Foursome
Lucifer ~ The MasterMind
Kyba ~ The Enforcer
Shea ~ The  Executioner
Thanos ~ The Intimidator

[Posted in FML 5892]