Let me put this to rest. As someone who works at Petco, and has for
many years, I just took delivery of all animals last night from
Rainbow's truck driver, including 8 baby ferrets. Petco only suspended
orders while the controversy was going on- they resumed regular orders
two weeks ago, and the stores who have always used RWE have no plans
to change distributors. Corporate Petco will get their stock along
with District Petco, wherever it is the cheapest, once they saw that
PetSmart was basically ignoring all the controversy and nothing was
happening- business went on as usual. The Corporate chains do not care
what goes on at the farms unless it impacts their financial bottom
line, and it hasn't. I personally find it revolting, but all I can do
about it is make sure the animals under my care are treated the best
way they can be.

On a better note, what do people think of their date books from Troy
Lynn? She is anxious for feedback so as to improve next years book. I
love mine, but have asked for clearer pictures next year, otherwise it
is perfect. Please let her know, or post here so everyone knows about
the datebooks!!!!

Thanks- Gerri

[Posted in FML 5891]