
Could you pease give YOUR definition of a backyard ferret breeder?
You do realise that there are respectable Private ferret breeders in
the US.

Why would someone spend all that money for a PET ferret from Europe
when there are breeders in the US that breed foriegn bloodlines lines?
(ALL my ferrets are from foriegn bloodlines.)

IMHO as a ferret owner, rescue & breeder whole ferrets don't smell as
bad as you are claiming, wet dogs smells a lot worse. ANY ferret will
be "VERY STINKY" as you put it if it's cage and bedding isn't kept
clean. As for ferrets having a hard time giving birth, where did you
hear that? My jils have no problem and they are foriegn blood. As for
the kits smelling worse than the parrents, they smell no worse than a
puppy does.

As for what you said about people are not going to raise the ferrets in
there home, good, sounds like ferrets are not realy the pets for these
type of people anyway.

Were can you get a ferret besides MF & backyard breeders? Wel, let me
see... ............A local ferret rescue/shelter for one or a pet shop
that sells Path Valley ferrets or from a smal private reputable ferret
breeder. If a ferret is going to be to expensive to own, try a


[Posted in FML 5891]