Please be aware that not all Petco's purchase ferrets from Marshalls,
some Petco's buy from Rainbow World Exotics.

If you don't know where your Petco purchases their stock from, ask the
manager. If they won't tell you ask for the district managers name and
telephone number. The ferrets from a Colorado Petco that came to me for
biting issues were from Rainbow World Exotics. Colorado is only one
state that Petco purchases stock from Rainbow World Exotics for. There
are several states, multiple stores.

Petco DOES buy from Rainbow World Exotics and many of the animals come
in sick, some dying, many needing some type of medical care. Not all
of them get it, especially the low-cost stock animals...

Why would any company buy from such a horrid animal mill? Especially
one that wants to keep a good standing with the animal community.

Previously I posted information requesting letters be written to PetCo
Corp, if you haven't already done so, please write and request they
stop purchasing their stock, all stock, from Rainbow World Exotics.

For a company the theme is "where pets come first" this is not the
case when they continue to put money in the pockets of cruel uncaring
(except for the buck) suppliers. If humane suppliers are not used, even
if they cost a bit more for the stock, the petstores can lose much more
than they think they are saving by purchasing from a lower cost cruel
supplier. Petstore Corps need to know the conditions their stock are
coming from.

Corporate Addresses:
PETCO Animal Supplies, Inc.
9125 Rehco Road
San Diego, CA 92121
Telephone: (858) 453-7845


[Posted in FML 5889]