Dear Ferret Folks,

We had promised to keep everyone abreast of the speakers for the 2008
IFC Symposium in Pittsburgh as they are being confirmed. Soooo.....

Jeanne Carley - who needs no introduction - will be attending and
giving a very wonderful, funny and NEW presentation along with new
photos of our favorite creatures! If you have never seen her, believe
me, she is not to be missed! Be prepared to laugh and let go with your
best AAAWWWWs.

Our MC this year will be Joel Vanderbush. If you met him at the
Portland symposium, you know how funny and personable he is.

Additionally - and on the educational side - we have confirmed Dr.
Jeorg Mayer, who is the developer of the Tufts University Chemotherapy
protocol on which so many of us have come to rely.

Dr. Ruth Heller will present on distemper and her important vaccine
titer study.

Dr. Tyrell, a specialist in heart disease in ferrets, will present a
talk on the various heart ailments seen in ferrets. Heart problems are
being diagnosed with increasing frequency.

Dr. Robert Wagner will be discussing ferret reproductive and neonatal
diseases, geared to breeders and non-breeders alike....and Barb Carlson
will be talking about home health care for the sick and/or recovering

Ailigh Vanderbush will present information on kit socialization, as
well as adult behavioral problems.

We are happy to announce that inflation has not affected symposium
prices. They remain stable at last year's level, so everyone, come
on and sign up.

Much more to follow! This event is shaping up to be the biggest and
best one yet. We hope to see you all there.


Francine Prager
International Ferret Congress
Event Planner

The 2008 International Ferret Symposium
will be held at the Holiday Inn Pittsburgh (Pa)
Airport on November 7-9, 2008
Won't you join us?

[Posted in FML 5870]