Peace to all my brothers and sisters of the FML, which includes BIG
and BOB C.

I read the FML posts every day, but have not been able to send my
condolances to all of you whose fuzzies have left this life for the
life eternal at the Rainbow Bridge.

I wish to bring you good news about your fuzzies, which I hope and
pray will lighten your hearts and relieve some of your grief.

In the Hebrew Book BERESCHIT (Christian Book: Genesis), which means
Beginning, there are two tales in regard to the Creation. Which is
correct? Who knows. It was written to show the important part of the
Beginning, and that is: In The Beginning, God Created.

As we read in the First Book of the Torah, it is noted that God Created
all living things, as well as forming the Universe, the planets, etc.
as well as creating mankind. One should note that ONLY Mankind fell
from Grace (Genesis 2 and 3). Only Mankind sinned against God the
Creator. In the Book of the Prophet ISAIAH, it is written: That the
Lion will lay down with the Lamb, and the Child will put his hand
into the Adder's den and not be harmed. In the New Testament of the
Christian Bible, Jesus said the same thing in regards to the new world
to come, or the HEAVENLY KINGDOM.

Also, Jesus said in his Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5 through 7) that
Our Heavenly Father knows when even a sparrow falls from the sky. If
the sparrow meant nothing to God, the Creator, then why would God even
bother to take notice?

As a believer that Jesus is the Messiah, I believe that God sent Jesus
to save the world by being the perfect sacrifice for all who sin (which
is all of us humans: Read John 3:16 and Romans 3). Therefore, if God
loves mankind, who sinned, so much, then does it not stand to reason
that God Loves all of Creation, including the animals that God Created?

Going back to the very first Book, it is written that God breathed the
gift of Life (Spirit) into all living things that God Created. Man has
a soul as well as a spirit (the soul knows the difference of right and

Therefore, the SPIRIT of all animals will return to the Great Creator,
which includes our beloved Fuzzies, and all our Fur-Kids, and any other
animal that have given you companionship for as many years that you
have been blessed by them.

The majority of all religions on earth, including the Buddhist, Muslim,
Hindu, Shinto, believe that animals have a spirit, and should be
treated just as lovingly as any human should treat another.

In Science (Physics), there is a Law that says that ENERGY CANNOT BE
example: A tree has kenetic energy waiting to be used. The tree may
be cut down for firewood. When the wood is lit, it gives us energy
in the form of Heat, Light, and smoke. Thereby, the living spirit,
changes from our physical world to the spiritual world.

Because of the above, I believe that all animal's spirits, including
Ferrets, Cats, Dogs, Bison, Wolf, Coyote, etc. will be with the
Creator, for God loves all of Creation. Rest assured, my brothers
and sisters, that our beloved fur-kids will be waiting for us at the
Rainbow Bridge, and we will be separated from them never again.

I would ask, at this time, that you would remember a friend of mine in
Florida (Kim) in your prayers, who just had her beloved dog ROCKY leave
this world for the world eternal. It is never easy to lose the physical
presence of those we love, but we will be with them again someday in
the future, when we leave this world for the world eternal.

May the Peace of God which surpasses all human understanding, be with
you now and forever.

Rev. Ronald L. Sims, D.D. & Family: 2 hooman-beans, owned and
controlled by 2 canines, 2 felines and with many fur-kids at the
Rainbow Bridge waiting for us.

[Posted in FML 5885]