I recently learned that a number of small magazines have been relying
on Walmart for up to 1/3 of their sales, but beginning in May Walmart
will be carrying only a few titles compared to the current selection,
and Walmart gave all the removed publishers very short notice so a
number of people lost jobs.

As a result a large number of magazines have to rapidly figure out
alternatives or close up shop.

What I don't know is if the sudden change by Ferrets magazine -- made
so suddenly that they still had subscription cards in the magazines
that went out and had to add a second cover is related to this, but a
friend who is an industry analyst said that a large number of magazines
are completely going out of business because they aren't up to going to
internet alternatives.

I sure hope that the new alternative for Ferrets Magazine eventually
includes archives and videos.

Sukie (not a vet)

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[Posted in FML 5879]