Peekaboo and Pester are doing very well. Peekaboo has almost doubled
her weight now and is much more active. She explores more than before
and is quite comfortable anywhere I bring her.

Pester is rambunctious and full of spice and vinegar. Lots of fun. I
let her out yesterday and she was dancing on her toe tips hopping and
jumping all over in total fun mode. Her colors are most impressive. She
has like pants on her hind and front legs of jet black with a quick
fade into the browns. Her fur shines as does her personality. Both love
attention and 'ask' for it allot. Both are very timid but get over that
very quickly and just flower out. The fact they were in a cage 24X7 for
months is very evident where they really are attached to their cage.
That is 'THEIR' area and they have for sure taken over.

They get let out to raise hell and 20 minutes later they both go right
back into the cage on their own. Yesterday I had Pester out but the
cage door was closed so she could not get back in. She was all but
beside herself not having access back to her home and hidy hole.

I had made a box about 10 inches cube with a 2 inch round hole in it,
lined the inside with carpet. Every ferret has loved that box and every
ferret I have had after I had made that box has spent lots of time
inside it.

RePete was really comical where I have an old pillow case for them to
wrap up in or just sleep on, but RePete would pull that out of the box,
then go inside the box and using his teeth he would pull the pillow
case back to plug the hole up. Very ingenious. He was the only one to
do that but these two move that pillow case around allot.

So just an update, they both are doing very well and are the best of
company. Glad to have them.

Gordon, Peekaboo and Pester

Rev. J. Gordon Bengtson
Aarrow-Ranch Aviation
Mechanicsville, Virginia 23111 

[Posted in FML 5877]