I wanted to say thank you to everyone on Princess Peppers passing... I
know she's out of pain and looking over my shoulder with her beautiful
dark eyes.... Its this ferret community that helps me get through

Without knowing it -- we become friends... we help each other through
tough times and we laugh at the good times... even if it's always
through email and never meeting face to face... we know that our ferret
friends are out there caring for us and holding us close to their
hearts when something like this happens.

A loss is never easy... and Princess Peppers loss has been pretty hard
on me... and those that loved her and her cute posts. But I can go on
knowing that she's no longer in pain and that she wants me to continue
all the good work that she put into helping shelters and helping SOS.
She must have had enough faith in me and in Bella Bear (Princess in
Training) to allow us to continue without her here to nag... I mean
remind us...

Bella has already started filling her shoes by emptying my sock
drawer... last night we even found a sock in the potty box... something
Princess Pepper would do all the time... she though her babies had to
be potty trained....

I also wanted to say to all the shelters out there.. and even all of
the people out there... when you need help... reach out and ask for
it... even if it's just someone to listen to you vent about your day or
an issue you are having. Sometimes its so hard to take that first step
and ask. Developing friends that love ferrets like I do has been my
saving grace in more ways than one. I'm blessed by being able ask so
many people different questions or just vent because someone dropped
yet another ferret off... or for any reason...

Again... thank you to everyone...


[Posted in FML 5869]