Now that Ferrets will be free to all on the Internet, I'm hoping more
people will go to the site to not just read the issues,
but to just as importantly participate in the magazine. Although it
has always been your magazine and its' editor and writers have always
worked hard to try and implement what you wanted to see, this is a,
no "the", opportunity to make Ferrets what "you" want it to be. I see
that out of the anger and frustration over the fact that the magazine
will now be out of print, a few people have voiced some underlying
discontent they've had about the magazine's content. I realize that
part of that was purely from the disappointment about the transition.
But some of it must have come from a seed of truth. I encourage you to
take that energy to the site voice it there, better yet, to the editor.
This is your chance to not just read the magazine but to be an active
part of it and it's new format.

Over the years, do you have any idea how many people have written me to
suggest ideas for stories? I can count them on two hands, my friends.
Two hands. I have had to reach out to readers on a one on one basis
during the past two years to find new and interesting topics. I've
recently asked for criticism to make sure I'm not completely missing
the mark and the responses were very helpful. I hope that I get more
actually. It never hurts my feelings and it helps me to improve the
column. Ironically however, when a problem was posed, there was rarely
a suggestion to solve that. But even general suggestions of what you do
or don't like helps me a great deal to bring to you what you do want.
I hope you embrace the chance to get more involved so we can keep this
a great magazine and make it spectacular.

Thank you Marylou and Melissa for not just bringing us a beautiful
magazine with cutting edge information about our beloved ferrets, but
for being part of the community. You are one of 'us'. Part of the
family. No more or less than anyone one of us who has loved and helped
these intelligent and sensitive little animals. You've been there over
the years shoulder to shoulder at various functions personally donating
money, time, and friendship to all. You've been there side by side with
the ferret community all the way from the more isolated times of the
past to the more recent times of symposia and standing under the skies
of KY to watch fireworks with fellow ferret folk. Thank you for that.
Thank you for remaining by our side during such a massive change in
our lives. I look forward to more fireworks.


[Posted in FML 5872]