
I'm glad that your boy is doing better. However, If in fact your
ferret does have Insulinoma, which is very likely given the low blood
glucose readings prior to treatment, then he will have to STAY on the
prednisolone, or eventually get surgery. I am including links about
insulinoma that you really need to read. It is a progressive disease
that will only get worse over time. Unfortunately, it is common among
ferrets. These two links are very important for all ferret owners to
read and understand. The prednisolone does not cure the insulinoma,
it only helps to manage it, and to do so it must be present in the
bloodstream at all times. This means administering it at least twice,
and preferably three times, a day.



In Memory of Neo
Caring for Trinny, Morphy, Baby Girl, and Luna=

[Posted in FML 5872]