How do you people wash a ferret with a stinker? I had the most
interesting experience giving Meeka Crackers her bath the other day.
Before I picked her up to wash her, I swear I could hear her parading
around a very wet Shenanigans and singing the following to the tune
of La Cockaracha: "I got my stinker, I got my stinker, nana nana nana
naaa... You don't have no stinker, you don't have no stinker, Haha haha
haha haaaaa. You smell like people, yucky people ... I'll never smell
like you!!! Cuz I got a stinker, I got a stinker, lala lala lala

I could not wait to make my poofy baby smell like ... well "baby",
like the rest of my ferrets. I was so excited. Spa day is so "special"
around here. After seeing what I was certain was a tongue sticking out
from Shenanigans mouth at Meeka, I carried her to the bathroom. Oh how
sweet it is. Lovely baby fresh Marshall Farm shampoo. ::inhale ...::
And better yet, baby fresh scented cream rinse! I'm gonna want to eat
her up when I'm done. Yum yum yum yum. And so it began. A lovely
relaxing bath, scrub a dub dub ... and ... sniff sniff .... what
the ... "OH! YUCK! Crackers! Omg, that is just horrible.

Fine. Just fine. Let me start again from the top. That should do it.
Sniff sniff noooooooooooooooooo! Maybe I didn't rinse well enough, okay
let me really rinse everything off this time. Okay ... little dab'll do
ya ... no wait, no dabs this time. There we go, a good handfull will do
ya." They say three times' a charm. Nope, for me it was four. Four
washings was a charm. Even then with all that work and fuss, and she
ended up smelling about the same as when we started. An exhausted, wet
Meeka Crackers flew back into the ferret room, where I saw Shenanigans
momentarily stop her grooming to look up with the most wicked of
feminine smirks. I would not doubt it that Meeka got her song slung
right back in her face after I left, "I don't need no stinker, don't
need no stinker, nana nana nana naaaaaa. Mom don't like stinkers, And


[Posted in FML 5866]