>Since we all know that magazines are prepared months in advance, we
>know they were planning the magazine's demise long before they quit
>taking subscriptions!!! That's not a very nice thing to do. At least
>they are returning peoples' money.

I renewed mid Dec at a dog show with a Bowtie rep - kinda annoying, as
I haven't even gotten my first renewal issue.

>No offense to anyone here who writes for Ferrets, but I think a lot of
>the problem was that they never got any new blood in there. It was the
>same writers, the same information with a different twist, nothing new
>and exciting. After a while, it got boring to me.

I have to agree. I still subscribed to the magazine but it was fairly
typical of Bowtie's offerings - short articles, same old-same old,
typical format and LOTS of advertising. There were some decent articles
but overall the magazine IMO was lacking (kinda feel the same about
Dog Fancy and to a tad bit lesser degree Dog World these days too).

[Posted in FML 5865]