I've been using clothes pins on the ferret's scruffs for ages for nail
clipping. I use two pins that don't pinch very hard (I clip them on
my little finger or wrist or something such as that to test them out
first.) And I put the clothes pins right where I would be holding the
scruff. The ferrets don't squeak or squirm or make any indication
that they are uncomfortable or in pain. And the pins stay on about 30
seconds (if that!) - just long enough to clip all the nails.

My ferrets DO NOT like ferretone. Nor do they seem to like any other
types of "treats" such as that. So I cannot put something like that on
their bellies. I have tried numerous times & numerous products. They do
NOT like being reclined on their backs & held while trying to clip
nails. If I scruff them with one hand, that only leaves one hand free
to try to catch & clip nails. And they will undoubtedly start twitching
their feet - making it nearly impossible to SAFELY clip nails without

I use the clothes pin method for my cats as well, and have zero problem
clipping their nails by myself. They also lay still & do not indicate
to me that they are in any discomfort or stress.

I have seen people grab & hold their ferrets (& cats) DANGLING by
nothing more than the scruff of the neck. How is THAT any less damaging
than applying a clip to the scruff?? A binder clip - I don't think is
appropriate, because binder clips pinch HARD. But certain clothes pins
are rather gentle.

I would like to hear multiple veterinarians's comments regarding this.


[Posted in FML 5840]