Hmmm, just thinking...It seems that one of the main reasons to go
digital is for "green" reasons. So, are they making the other mags
digital too? If not, why not? You would think that if they are
concerned for the environment, then ALL their mags would be

While being the first to jump in to help with the environment, I
also agree with the importance of a print copy. I too have had many
conversations in stores that were prompted because I was looking
through the mag while in the store. Among other things, I have been
able to offer advice and resource direction. I've made friends! It
is sad, really. ::::SIGH::::

Tequita Williamson, Certified Birth Doula (DONA)
PLEASE spay and neuter. It SAVES lives!

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be
ruled by evil men."- Plato

[Posted in FML 5864]