Yes, I remember that thread. I had been contacted via e-mail by someone
who wanted to send me a check. There were 5 e-mais sent back and forth
with him asking for my phyical adress.

I explained that if he was legit to send the mney to my VET account and
gave him the adress. Neddess to say my vet NEVER recieved the so called
donation and I Never heard from him again. To me, this PROVES it was a
scam as these peope don't want to deal with a buissness that has mney
to fight them and prossicute them in court.

I never advertise my physical adress on my cards or my website, thus to
avoid being dragged into scams ike that. Most people know that a rescue
s/sheter's BIGGEST expense is the VET bill in most cases, so if they
are not willing to take that route for teir donation then PLEASE do not
waste my time.

Fuzzy Loving Ferrets Rescue & Ferretry
LOSN Senoir Specialty & Championship Ferret Judge

[Posted in FML 5864]