It's simple to make a difference for a shelter... it really is. Did you
know that $1.00 a month to SOS can go a LONG way? Well it can! Just
think... your dollar with everyone else's dollar here on the FML...
thats about 200 people right? So that's about $200 a month... or...
$2400 for the year! See! Your dollar DOES count! [200 people? Umm, no,
append a zero and then some! BIG]

The Buck-a-Month (BaM) Club came about a few of years ago in an attempt
to find a way for EVERYONE to be able to help shelters through Support
Our Shelters (SOS) Organization. I thought... just about everyone could
afford to send $1.00 to SOS a month. While it doesn't seem like a lot,
when you add it to others... it DOES add up!

The money that is raised goes into the SOS General Fund and then is
used for shelters in need. As a shelter operator myself I know that
shelters need help from time to time... and SOS is there to help when
they can. But without the wonderful support that we receive from the
Ferret Community, SOS wouldn't be able to do 1/2 of what we do now!...

I'd like to see the BaM membership grow again..... It's easy enough
to do and shouldn't brake the bank. I'll even send you a reminder
every month if you want (just send me your email address).

Pay for the whole 2008 year for $12.00 or pay $1.00 a month! You can
even use PayPal and not have to think about it again....but of course
you can STILL donate more if you want! (If donating through PayPal we
ask that you pay for the full year $12.00 due to the paypal fees)

Be sure you include your name for SOS Honor Roll!

Here's the link to the web site...
C/O Support Our Shelters
100 Walsh Road Lansdowne, PA 19050

or pay through PayPal (if paying through PayPal please send for the
full year). Tax-Deductible Donations accepted through PayPal:
[log in to unmask] Please include your name and indicate that
you are giving to the Buck-A-Month Club.

Have a great month ----- and THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Joanne-SOS For more information please click on the link below:

permission to cross post granted

[Posted in FML 5863]