Holly arrived at Ferret Wise on 11-12-1999 at age 11 mos. She was one
of 6 related ferret rescues from a breeder who had too many ferrets in
MD. She was left with the shelter before we departed from a PA ferret
show. That day SWnow Princess, Holly Ivy, Puff, Two Bits and Angel 3
were left in our care.

Of all the ferrets poor Holly & Ivy who incidentally lived the longest
lives had it the toughest. They were the last to find adoptive homes.
Both gals were adopted to a home in MA, in the year 2000, but in 2005
both gals endured adn lived through a house fire anfd upon surviving
that they were returned to the shelter because the owners girlfriend
did not want them at the new apartment.

So at 5 years plus of age Holly and her sister were severely
traumatized and dumped at the shelter which was full to the brim
with 67 other ferrets. Because there was no room at this inn, hospice
Mom Marilyn drove down and took charge of the elder gals. Both were
stressed understandably, wobbled and were not in the best of shape.
It was decided before any major health interventions they would get
settled in, nourished so we could try to eliminate any problems which
were focused on stress.

The gals responded so well to the love & care of hospice Mom Marilyn.
She gave them stability, lots of love and they began to thrive. They
played happily though never very far apart. Later Ivy would require
surgery for a tumor removal from her leg but she played on until her
passing on 8/20/07.

Since then Holly has been a wonderful elder gal, adjusting to being an
only ferret in her domain ( cage), with time out for scampering about,
writing articles for the shelter newsletter, gobbling bowls of real
chicken gravy down. She had a melatonin implant for thinning coat after
Dr Winnie gave her an exam not quite a year ago. She grew a lush coat
and has liv ed life as a companion ferret should. I got word several
days ago that Holly was off her feed, she was losing weight and only
taking sips of soup. On day 3 Holly took her morning licks, curled up
and Mom Marilyn placed her into her favorite sleepy sack. Soon after
Holly slipped away to Rainbow Bridge. I personally feel that her sister
Ivy was getting tired of solo explorations and called her back-- I am
sure at over 9 years of age Holly was happy to go.

Mom Marilyn has a way of hoping she made a difference for our cast off
elders and I KNOW she does. How many times with elders I wish their
passing could go swiftly and peacefully as they have at her home.

Holly and her sister Ivy as all those who came before found the trust
and love of their human and never gave up on life. They lived each day
fully until they wore life out. I am so blessed to have Marilyn and the
other Ferret Wise Hospice Moms & Dads. When there are so many elders it
is hard to give them all their quality time. I know Holly certainly did
not feel slighted for attention. Bless you Marilyn, it is not an easy
thing to watch those beautiful kids pass on. Thank you for making it as
full of love and contentment as you do. It takes a very special person
to do what you do!

Sleep peacefully Holly, you are now with your littermates Angel, Two
Bits, Ivy, Puff, and Snow Princess. May you live a ferrets joy in your
new realm and make room for Mom Marilyn and me too- we will certainly
need a soft resting spot when our days come.

Much love and appreciation...
Shelter Mom Alicia at Ferret Wise

[Posted in FML 5863]