Thank you for all your wonderful thoughts, prayers and emails. I want
to thank everyone who sent me such wonderful emails regarding my breast
cancer. GOOD NEWS- They got it! I know it was because of wonderful
people that participate on the FML and a couple of fuzzbutts that
helped me. I have a long recovery ahead but it really is looking up.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

To update you on Fosta and Oprah. Oprah must of thought I was going
to have to go through Chemo so she has developed Adrenal Disease and
almost completely bald. Cutest little thing she still has enough hair
that she has developed enough hair that she has a mohawk going down her
head. Fosta has worried himself right into a ulcer- we are going to the
vets today so I can get some Carafate.

Thank you again you are such wonderful people with incredible hearts.

God Bless,

[Posted in FML 5861]