Hi Misty,

I am going to ask this-= was Rhea in heat when she was spayed?

If so this is a hormonal issue causing the irrational behavior. The
bad part is this condition if it was prompted by a disruption in the
natural horomonal cycle by spay-- will linger and linger and linger.
I saw this happen with an intact ferret that arrived in 1994 a Ferret
Wise. She was a rescue that had been in heat an undetermined amount of
time in a VT shelter. They did not realize she was intact. We got her
right to surgery - she was a sweetie but within 72 hours of returning
from her spay she went WILD!!!!!

She shook the cage- and when let out ran up the cage then down the cage
then attacked. She hung from my lip piercing right though chattering
and her feet running. I was Scared.

The only treatment that seemed to help her was a dosing regimine of
ovaban which did interrupt the hormonal cycle. I would strongly
recommend the vet also administer a lupron injection and I send good
wishes your way.

Alicia at ferret wise

[Posted in FML 5861]