The last time I posted I asked everyone to send healing thoughts for
Mineaux, a young foster with a broken front leg. If you recall the
second cast had just fallen off and we were looking at amputation of
the leg as our last option.

Dr Clark, a newer vet at the clinic we deal with, convinced me to let
him try a Thomas-Schroeder splint. For larger animals these splints
are already pre-made but in Mineaux's case he would have to make it
himself. After he showed me how it worked I admit I was skeptical but
he convinced me to let him try it. In a nutshell the splint consists of
a wrapped donut shape at the top which goes over the leg and secures on
the shoulder. Attached to the donut are two wires which run down the
length of the leg. The entire apparatus is then wrapped in a cast like
material. It's almost bigger than she is but in just a few days she
adjusted to it and seems to have no trouble getting around.

I am happy to report that thanks to a determined vet and everyone's
healing thoughts Mineaux has made it through 14 days and the splint
is still secure! She still has another 16 days to go so please keep
sending your healing thoughts her way!

Barb Hoult
Alberta Ferret Society

[Posted in FML 5840]