My Ringo's ear has this icky discharge and tomorrow we're heading to
the vet

It's this really stinky dried crud around his ear when he wakes up and
this morning there was a bit of white pus inside. I've been cleaning
off the dried crud and gently cleaning his ear but obviously he needs
some sort of meds.

Then this morning I wake up with my left ear - same ear as the one
bugging him - with this crackling/popping sound in it like when you
have soap in your ear. And it seems to be getting worse. So is this
just coincidence or can you catch an ear infection from a ferret? I've
never heard of such a thing but it just seems very odd considering the
only other time I've had an ear infection was with a really bad upper
respiratory infection years and years ago. Should I ask the vet to
in my ear, too? lol


[Posted in FML 5860]