Hello to all! Beautiful snow falling here after extremely cold weather
the last 3 days...I am going to gather some snow inside for the babies
to play with.

So many of you came to my rescue when the latest fur arrival here
almost burnt my home down. He had chewed through an electrical cord...
actually three. Only one was plugged in.

He is such a sweet heart. He should be vicous and anti social. He
lived in a cage except when his owner took a shower. There was no
socialization. He did not know how to play, or what anything was.

It took 3 days to wrap all the cords in the house. I used the rubbery
cover up that came from the pet stores that you wrote me about. This
worked the best by far of all the materials recommended. But I knew he
would love chewing on that. So I then wrapped all of those with black
electrical tape I ordered online.

He Who Must Not Be Named spent about 4 days chewing on these. He had
thick black paws that appeared to have casts over them. Normally his
paws are white. They were stiff, black, appeared to be wrapped like a
cast, and somewhat goopy. His face had 2 by 2 mm of hard black material
at the corners of his mouth each day when it was time to find him and
put him back in the cage.

I gently washed his paws in warm water and soap, and applied vaseline
to the sides of his face to remove the thick residue. He lost the fur
on the sides of his face, and is furless there. But I do see fur just
starting to come through again now.

He is the life of the party. With Mini Me gone...there is no longer any
segregation of rooms. Everyone runs everywhere. And we are without an
alpha. It is actually really relaxing. He Who Must Not Be Named is into
every bodies business. He is cleaning ears, and pouncing on the cats,
and riding the backs of the others.

He is a deaf male...a little over a year old, we guess. His tail was
crushed somehow. But the vet is not worried as it is not painful or
irritated and fur covers all. We are just keeping an eye on ALL of
him. :-)

Thank you all again for helping me to keep him alive. I moved the cans
he can chew through. And he seems to have lost interest in chewing on
all the distilled water bottles now. I did not have room to put all of
those off the floor.

He chews through my sand which bags still. God knows how...but he can
get up 3 shelves to them in the pantry. Only have one shelf that I can
put everything on to protect him and the items now.

I drive home and think of his kangaroo antics and smile. I do not
have to wait to go to the circus. The circus of these little clowns,
acrobats, and pretty animals are a huge part of my life and home.

[Posted in FML 5859]