I just wanted to say how my husband and I went through a terrible
experience. We found a ferret-sitter on the net....actually I found
this guy under a place for ferret adoptions and sent an email to see
if he could watch them for a month...he was a nice guy and seemed to
be up front. .. then he sent a terrible email about how he was keeping
them. We became very distraught and I contacted Barb Carlson from Three
Rivers Ferret Council, here in Pittsburgh. She got right on the ball,
located him, got so many people involved, had friends to help me get
them back and had someone to come with me for support. She had so much
info off the net and did some hard work to get the word out so we
could be reunited with our boys.

My hat goes off to her! She is very knowledgeable about ferrets and got
immeadiately involved to help me. She also helped me last year to care
for the boys in time of need. I can't tell people enough, what it means
to have someone to help with this delimenia we went through for we were
frazzeled...so much so, my husband had a heart attack! We were in no
shape to track this guy from 4,000 miles away. We were so impressed
with Barb's work! I am so pleased with all her efforts for my boys are
now safe and happy at home.


[Posted in FML 5859]