Hello All!

I just wanted to post a public THANK YOU to Tressie for posting about
her experience with Bellisima's Poofiness and subsequent diagnosis of
infected scent glands.

As a Fer-rant (and Head Minion to the local Ferret Shelter Director...
LOL) in MA, up until the 9 McKids we took in, we had little to no
experience with intact ferrets. Of course we got them altered as soon
as possible--but chose not to descent them.

During our research of ferrets with intact scent glands--we found that
the typically well adjusted ferret with intact glands rarely poofed --
and figured that the excessive poofiness of the three (out of the 
our that remained with us-I kept 2 and the Shelter director kept
2) was due to the fact that they were not completely well adjusted (not
surprising considering what they went through before they came to us)
and figured that continued love and TLC would solve it eventually.

Tressie's post (specifically the sleep poofing) set off alarms in our
heads and the three "offenders" were subsequently brought to the vet.
I won't go into details, except to say that those of you that have
been present for the expression of infected ferret scent glands-know
how delightful the experience was!!) They were expressed and put on

Since then there hasn't been ONE poof out of any of them. So, for those
of you who might have rescued someone who has intact scent glands (and
aren't used to that-like those of us in MA) if he or she is Poofy --
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring him or her to the vet. Trust me, you will
be glad you did!!

Tressie, thank you again for your valuable post. It gave us information
to ensure that our beasties are as well taken care of, as possible.

Be well,
Dooks and Books (our McKids Book, not Dook)
Michele Paulhus
Asst Director, South Shore Ferret Care, MA

I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing,
therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any
fellow travelor, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it,
for I shall not pass this way again.

[Posted in FML 5859]